In the beginning, fungal mycelium is put inside a flask with a nutrient medium. With heat and permanent mixing the cells multiply fast but are not allowed to develop into mushrooms.
The technology was developed 15 years ago and even a plant was going to be built. Then, the idea was dumped: scientists bred genetically modified soya. But genetic engineering is looked askance and many scientists believe the future belongs to mycoprotein.
Mycoprotein contains all the 18 aminoacids, is easily assimilated and fit for dieting.
Mycoprotein is pure fungal protein. It is an inconspicuous whitish almost odourless powder, which tastes only after cooking. For instance, when mycoprotein is added to beefsteak it tastes of mushrooms.
Beefsteaks of mycoprotein have appeared in British shops. In Russia fungal mycelium is a food only in the laboratory, for scientific ends.