By sociologists' data, 66% of citizens are sure opposition forces must exist in Russia. 21% of those polled disagree with them. They would prefer a one-party or "non-party" system. 13% of respondents found difficulty expressing their opinion. For the two years that passed, the share of those who are for the opposition has increased by 10%: in 2002, 56% of the pollees supported the institution of the opposition.
Sociologist Yuri Levada supposed in an interview with Vremya Novostei that such a reaction was "kind of a compensation for the fact that opposition parties are losing sway or are made to lose sway here."
According to Levada-center, over 60% of the pollees believe that criticism of the authorities' actions must be present in mass media, as it is useful. "There must be fears that even the highly valued government and presidential forces, should they not be criticized, will stop being useful," believes the head of the Analytical Center. By this, the sociologists explain the Russians' wish that powerful opposition parties would appear in Russia.
Today, only 30% of respondents are sure that major opposition parties and movements exist in Russia. 47% of Russians stated the lack of such forces, while 23% of those polled were unable to say anything on this account.
"We have a long way to go before real, powerful opposition parties are formed here. You can notice a crisis of all oppositions - Left and Right, Democrats, Communists and even Patriots who can hardly do anything yet," states Mr. Levada. "As for the rumor that the Kremlin intends to create an 'oppositional' party itself, I doubt it will be a success."
Anyway, the authorities' attempts to create incubator parties of different political bias will hardly be perceived by the population asreal opposition, note sociologists. Politicians who want to contend for Russians' votes independently of the Kremlin have "electoral capabilities."