Russian First Deputy Foreign Minister Valeri Loschinin said that the agreement targets the creation of favourable conditions for the development and broadening of youth contacts, mutual contacts between official representatives, businessmen, and men of science, culture, education and sport.
Particularly, it intends the issue of free multiple visas up to five years without the presentation of invitations to government officials, deputies of the German and Russian parliaments, judges of the constitutional, supreme and higher arbitration courts.
Multiple visas up to five years are issued also to businessmen and representatives of the business circles upon application by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, other organisations.
Multiple visas up to one year are issued to higher schools students, post-graduates and teaches of Russian and German upon direct application by the host college or university. One-time visas without the presentation of invitations by the host side are issued to participants in the intergovernmental cultural-exchange programmes, men of culture.
Loschinin explained that the agreement has been provisionally operational since January 1, 2004. The Russian side has received over 3,000 visas in keeping with its provisions.
Loschinin also noted that the liberalisation of the regime of reciprocal trips by citizens of the Russian Federation and the European Union objectively meets the interests of Russia and, in prospect, is aimed at a visa-free regime between Russia and the EU.