"We explain the high prices, and this means over $50 per barrel, by certain subjective factors, and first of all, by a speculative game," he said.
Mr. Rahman added that the current level of prices was far beyond the traditional price corridor for oil.
He also said that along with the speculative game on the energy market, one of the factors increasing prices for oil is an increased demand for raw materials. It exceeds the planned figures almost twofold.
The OPEC acting secretary general recalled that in line with the forecast for next year, the demand on oil was to have totaled 1.1-1.4 million bpd. Real demand today is 2.2-2.8 million bpd.
In Mr. Rahman's words, the political situation in the world somewhat influenced the level of prices. The acting secretary emphasized that OPEC made and would make efforts to maintain stability on world oil markets and keep the price within an acceptable price corridor. Mr. Rahman said that if necessary, OPEC might boost oil production by 1.5-2 million barrels.
"However, this is unlikely to reduce oil prices, as today supply exceeds demand by 2 million barrels daily," said Mr. Rahman.