After the meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Sergei Mironov and Boris Gryzlov answered journalists' questions.
"We must think over such issues as army service beforehand," Speaker of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov said. "It must be put in black and white that one must serve in the army of the state where he lives permanently," Mr. Mironov added.
On his part, Mr. Gryzlov pointed to the necessity of including the provision on participation in elections in the bill. International lawyers must take a serious approach to the issue of universal suffrage as related to dual citizenship," Mr. Gryzlov said.
According to him, persons of dual nationality must vote in the country of their permanent residence.
At present Russian laws envisage the issue of Russian passports only to stateless persons. "We are going to make an exception for Ukrainians," the Speaker of the State Duma said.
If the parliament passes the bill, "any national of Ukraine will be able to seek and obtain Russian citizenship", Mr. Gryzlov remarked.
He also hoped that the discussion of the issue would be detailed and would not take too much time.
Sergei Mironov believes it is necessary to learn the opinions of Russians, the government and Ukrainian partners and colleagues on the matter.
"As far as Russians are concerned, I do not think they oppose dual citizenship," Mr. Mironov said.