According to Mr. Alkhanov, Chechnya occupies one of the top places in Russia in terms of the birth rate. He also mentioned that Chechnya had developed for the first time the program on rebuilding the socio-economic system of the republic for the next 5 years.
Meanwhile, 70% percent of Chechens capable of working remain unemployed, Mr. Alkhanov conceded.
"According to estimates calculated by relevant services, about 400,000 people, or 70% of the work-capable population, remain unemployed," he said.
Mr. Alkhanov pointed out at a very high unemployment rates among Chechen youth.
"We believe that in order for the Chechen people to see positive results, we must work very hard in 2005, primarily on creating work places," said Mr. Alkhanov.
He emphasized that to achieve this goal Chechnya must rebuild its economy and social sector in the first place. He mentioned the development of the agricultural sector as one of the promising areas in the sphere of creating new work places.
Mr. Alkhanov believes that the program for support of small business has been practically frozen in Chechnya. "One of our major tasks is to give people concrete business projects to develop," said the head of the Chechen republic.
In the same interview with Echo Moscvy, Alu Alkhanov stated that he found many positive aspects in the initiative of the Russian President to appoint heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
"As to the process of legislative initiatives, I think it has a lot of positive aspects, although many people might disagree claiming that we are trampling upon democracy, etc," said Mr. Alkhanov.
"Our people trust the Russian President, and if he appoints a certain candidate the majority of the Chechen population will be confident that it was a worthy candidature," said Mr. Alkhanov.
He also stated that the President's support has great importance. "If you sincerely want to serve people, whether you are elected or appointed does not really matter," Mr. Alkhanov asserted.