MOSCOW, November 1 (RIA Novosti) - As of September 1, 2004, the strength of the permanent population of the Russian Federation was 143.7 million, declining by 504,000, or 0.35 percent, since the beginning of the year, says the report of the Federal Statistical Service, which has come to hand at RIA Novosti.
The reduction is due to the natural decrease, which in January-August 2004 was 520,500, or 61,800 less than during the corresponding period the year before.
On a national average, the number of the dead exceeding that of the born was 1.5 times against 1.6 times during January-August 2003.
In January-August 2004, the natural population increase was registered, just as in 2003, in only 16 regions.
With the decreasing migration, the numerical losses of the population were only 3.2-percent made up for.
During January-August 2004, the number of migrants inside Russia decreased by 7,400, or 0.6 percent as against the same period last year.