"In order to improve combat against so-called "phone terrorists" we are going to set up regional databanks to store acoustic and speech characteristics of persons threatening with explosions on the phone," Chekalin said. Automatic phone number identification devices have already been installed at police stations.
The creation of such databanks will considerably facilitate the work of law enforcement authorities, the official said.
"Annually transport police alone receive up to 1,000 bomb scare calls. For example, every call about a threat of railway station explosion halts the operation of the railway station for two hours," the deputy minister pointed out.
The new means help identify the person and his or her phone number immediately. "If stored in the database, the voice helps identify the person, and make him or her accountable," the Colonel-General said. "By means of special equipment the voice will be scanned by frequency, and it is scientifically proved that there are no identical voices as there are no identical fingerprints," Chekalin aggregated.