The Council of Europe expects the Russian government to pursue policies that would ensure media pluralism and press freedom, Mr Atkinson said. Russia has yet to convince the CoE it has radio and television broadcasters that are not influenced by central and regional governments and that provide independent and reliable information, he pointed out.
Mr Atkinson and a colleague of his, Rudolf Bindig, are currently in Russia to monitor the human rights situation here. They are to submit a related report for the PACE session next April.
Mr Atkinson revealed to the Russian media today that in his report, he would highlight the substantial improvements in Russia's human rights record while also expressing concern over the Prosecutor General's Office holding in its hands what he saw as too much authority. The PACE member praised the recent positive changes in Russia's migrant registration system, but said it was quite disturbing that between 400,000 and 1,500,000 displaced persons still had no legal status here. He also voiced concern over the mistreatment of conscripts in the Russian army, but hailed the government's promises that decisive measures would be taken to prevent young draftees from being bullied by their seniors. Speaking of Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov's recent proposal to detain relatives of terrorists as a "counter-hostage-taking" measure, Mr Atkinson remarked that the initiative did not meet the accepted legal standards. This reminds of Israel's counter-terror practices, like the bombing of houses where terrorists' families live, he said, classifying such acts as extra-judicial.