"I still haven't received the confirmation of the concrete agreements between Tehran and representatives of three EU countries - Germany, France and the United Kingdom - which have been reached during the latest round of talks in Paris on Iranian nuclear programs," Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei told the journalists in Sidney on Monday. "Nevertheless, I suppose these agreements include Iran's willingness to abandon its uranium enrichment programs as a sign of goodwill," he added.
In Dr. ElBaradei's opinion, "these agreements might bring the desired results: Iran's decision to abandon its nuclear programs will open the way to normalization of its relations with the rest of the world."
The head of IAEA believes that the issue of closing the so-called "Iranian nuclear dossier" will be one of the key issues on the agenda of the scheduled meeting of IAEA Board of Governors, which starts on November 25 in Vienna.
Recently, Iranian President Mohammad Khatami met with Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing in Tehran. During the meeting, Mr. Khatami expressed his disappointment in relation to excessive politicization of the issue of Iranian nuclear programs and illegitimate, in his opinion, pressure applied on Iran by certain countries in that respect. He said that "from the technical and legal standpoints, Tehran's activity in the sphere of peaceful exploration of nuclear energy does not pose any threats, the fact that has been confirmed by IAEA experts during inspections of Iranian nuclear power facilities and the conclusions stated in the report of Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei."
In order to find the solution for the existing crisis, the European triad is ready to supply Iran with advanced nuclear technologies and nuclear fuel, including light-water reactors, but only if Tehran takes concrete steps indicating its sincere desire to abandon secret programs on the development of its own nuclear weapons.