Twenty-six new medications have been developed in Russia in recent years; five of them at the Institute of the Bio-organic Chemistry.
The sea urchin's pigment, remarkable for its antioxidant, anti-germ and anti-inflammatory properties, is used in a medication that has proved effective in treating for eye and heart diseases.
The plant known as the maackia is the main ingredient in a drug used for protection against hepatitis; the anti-toxic and choleretic properties of this plant can be used in treating cirrhosis and hepatitis patients. The maackia-based medicine has no known side effects and causes no allergy reaction. It has by now successfully passed tests at major Russian clinics. Importantly, its raw material base is not limited.
Substances obtained from Kamchatka crab waste are used in a cleansing lotion for burns, chillblains, gangrenes, and varicose sores.
Sea cucumber glycosides form for the basis of a new immunity-enhancing drug.
A medication using polysacharides synthesized from brown seaweeds has proved capable of reducing the impact of exposure to radiation and restoring the immune system's functions.
The Pacific Institute of Bio-organic Chemistry is currently conducting over 40 biological tests in search of new biologically active substances that could be used in the pharmaceutical industry.