The head of the Russian state pointed out that Russia was among the first countries to encounter the problem of terrorism. It took time for the world community to acknowledge the existence of this dangerous threat, Mr. Putin underlined.
"International terrorist organizations that pursue absurd goals of establishing the global caliphate or something of that sort, hide their true intentions behind the slogan of the fight for independence in Chechnya," Mr. Putin stated.
According to the Russian President, Russia's fight against terrorism has strictly practical purposes. "It is the fight to preserve the territorial integrity of our country. In that respect, we must find proper instruments and create a proper atmosphere in our country to prevent international terrorist organizations from achieving their true goals," he emphasized.
"Only an evolved society, only the strengthening of democratic institutes in modern conditions could help us to fight terrorism and at the same time strengthen the Russian state itself," Mr. Putin announced.
In that regard, the Russian President pointed out that the transition to the representational system of elections of State Duma deputies must lead to the strengthening of the multi-party system, in general.
Speaking about the formation of executive power bodies in the regions, Mr. Putin underlined that not only the terrorist threat led to the reform initiative, "although, it was one of the major reasons. After all, the reform does not provide for the appointment of regional governors but foresees recommendation of candidatures for further approval of regional parliaments. Those parliaments are supposed to vote for candidates, confirm their authority and elect the most appropriate candidatures. You have to agree, it certainly does not sound like a direct appointment," the President stressed.
"Therefore, in my opinion, it will be a candidate supported by population through the institute of people's deputies on the one hand, and a candidate who enjoys the trust of the head of Russian state on the other hand," he explained.
The President believes that it might be the first step on the way to stronger statehood and it will help to increase the effectiveness of the entire mechanism of the state authority in Russia. "It is a certain preventive measure to stop those who plan to weaken the Russian state and create chaos in our country," the Russian President concluded.