The Gagarin Training Centre now has 14 cosmonauts and four candidates, the Energia Space Rocketry Corporation twelve and three, respectively. The Institute of Medico-Biological Problems has one cosmonaut and one candidate. Another two are not in the team but are ranked as cosmonauts. One is the first representative of the Russian Space Troops with an ISS record and the other from the Khrunichev Centre without an orbital record, says the Cosmonautics News site.
In the opinion of Roskosmos chief Anatoli Perminov, Russia should have an integrated team of cosmonauts. "I think it should be set up. Today we have one at the Gagarin Centre, one at Energia Corporation and at Institute of Medico-Biological Problems", he earlier said.
Commenting on Russia's having not a single woman in the team because of the last one's recent withdrawal, Perminov said: "I don't think it right. Women do good in the team of cosmonauts. A woman team-leader makes decision-making smooth".
In the United States, the situation with women astronauts is basically different. For instance, Colonel of the Air Force Aileen Collins will be the commander of the first shuttle to fly after the Columbia catastrophe. It will be her fourth mission and second as the mission commander.