"We do not, and may not, suggest teaching religion [at school]. But the fundamentals of Orthodox culture, too, will provide moral reference points," Alexis said. According to him, Orthodox culture basics have already been introduced at secondary schools in a number of Russian regions, and everywhere they have fit in perfectly with other courses on the curriculum.
"We should be aware that our culture has Christian, Orthodox foundations, and every person must know his/her culture's foundations," Alexis II pointed out. "Young people are not only our future, but our present, as well," he said, emphasizing that the Russian Church sees it as its duty to provide the young with moral immunity against the many temptations they are facing today, like drugs and alcohol, including beer. The Patriarch said that to him, such a widespread phenomenon in Russia today as teenage girls drinking canned or bottled beer out on the street is a sign of moral degradation. He expressed hope that the Russian parliament would pass a law restricting beer commercials.
Speaking at the same gala, Mikhail Nikolayev, Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council, or Russia's upper house of parliament, said that demography was a key issue for Russia today. "To us, duty, spirituality, and soul are no simple words. They stand for notions that form Russia's backbone. We support [the Church's] enormous efforts in spiritual education of our youth. This is an all-triumphant, patriotic toil," Nikolayev said.
An estimated 35,000 people annually take part in educational and social rehabilitation programs of the Patriarch's Center. It offers advice and help in overcoming alcohol dependency, drug addition, and psychological traumas. The department for children's programs runs various art, sport and war history clubs.