Information came in of a huge school or hospital terror act being plotted, though it did not indicate the tentative site, he said to newsmen after one of the regular commission sessions today.
"The terrorists were generously funded, and they did the job for their money," added the MP.
The Beslan tragedy was a link in a big chain of terror acts, concluded the commission. The school plight would not have been so bad if not for a preceding outrage in Ingushetia, which borders on Chechnya, as a sizeable paramilitary unit invaded Nazran, its former capital, in the small hours of June 22 to seize police premises, reasons Mr. Dyatlenko.
Weaponry confiscated on the Beslan site was tracked down to republican Interior arsenals, where the June raiders stole it, said the MP. Though the Beslan act was plotted on its own, still it was part of one big plot, he remarked.
Dyatlenko called law enforcement agencies to draw necessary conclusions from the Beslan horror, and make terror prevention their supreme goal. "We are living in a peaceful country, and all our secret services are working on peacetime patterns-but terrorists live according to laws all their own, and so recur to hit-and-run tactics," he said.
The North Caucasian anti-terror army group has set up an intelligence service to bring together special squads of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the Central Intelligence Board and the federal Interior Ministry, which will jointly collect urgent information about terrorist plots, the parliamentarian announced.
The commission intends to invite the FSB chief and the Interior and Defence ministers to its December sessions, added Alexander Torshin, commission head and Vice-Speaker of the Federation Council, parliament's upper house.