"We have never in the slightest deviated from the reform policy, though we are a bit behind the schedule," he remarked.
The reform ad hoc team will go on working next year, added the minister.
Today's conferees blueprinted targets for next year-in particular, to determine energy consumer categories.
Russia's first big power generating companies, to engage in wholesale energy supplies, will get on their feet early in 2006. "It will certainly take up next year, and the start of 2006, to get through with corporate formalities and launch the companies," said Mr. Khristenko.
Though essential decisions concerning those energy companies will be taken before this year's end, it will take much longer to get the job going, pointed out Anatoly Chubais, president of the UES (United Russian Power Grid) company.
Russia intends to introduce direct long-term contracts in its energy market. The arrangement will promote the emergent corporate majors. "We shall be drafting basic bylaws all through next year, and arrange bilateral contracts in the wholesale market. All those papers must be ready before the year 2006 starts," said Viktor Khristenko.