In particular, the roundtable appeals to national authorities to do all they can to preserve Ukraine's territorial integrity. All political forces and parliamentary groups are to join hands for the goal.
The negotiators call parliament to build up its impact on efforts to settle down stormy social and political developments in Ukraine.
An understanding has been reached to set up an expert team, that would draw a legal basis under the current situation, President Kuchma went on.
The negotiators strongly warned against the use of force, and insistently called to lift the blockade of government offices.
The Parties met each other halfway, says opposition leader Victor Yuschenko.
"It is a compromise decision, especially where the government office blockade comes in. That was probably the biggest compromise of all-a compromise made by people of common sense," he said to newsmen at the Mariinsky Palace, talks venue.
If the regime recurs to cunning subterfuges, and arouses popular indignation with that, the opposition top will no longer hold its public sympathisers in check, he warned.
As Mr. Yuschenko acknowledged, "we will have no need to block government offices if the regime is honest and open about the dialogue."
The roundtable will gather the hopefuls and go-betweens again as soon as the Supreme Court makes a verdict. The court is considering a suit Yuschenko's supporters brought to question presidential election returns.
The Supreme Court has put off its next session on the case till tomorrow, December 2.