The Declaration also notes that security and stability in Central Asia fully correspond to Russia and India's regional priorities.
Russia and India are urging wider international consultations on Iraq settlement. "The sides find it beneficial for the entire world community to restore the efficiency of multilateral approaches to problems of the Iraq type wars," says the document.
Russia and India also declared in favor of the strict observance of the political process schedule in Iraq, laid down in UN Security Council resolution No.1546. In the opinion of the sides, this is conducive to the development of a new democratic Iraq.
Russia and India expressed concern over the continued violence in Iraq and stressed the necessity of an intra-Iraq dialogue to attain national agreement on a new constitution and ways to restore stability and security in the country.
Russia and India also spoke in favor of a durable, fair and comprehensive settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict on the basis of corresponding UN Security Council resolutions. They championed an early resumption of peaceful talks in accordance with "the road map."
Moscow and New Delhi hope that parliamentary elections in Afghanistan will be held in due time, that is in April-May 2005. "The sides welcome the successful presidential elections in Afghanistan, marked by efforts to reach national reconciliation and unity," says the document.
There was also the shared opinion that Afghanistan should develop as a powerful, unified, sovereign and independent state, with its central authorities to be reinforced by national security mechanisms.
Russia and India worried about the remaining perils to national security, above all in Southern and Southeastern provinces of Afghanistan. Being anxious about the continued expansion of drug production and trafficking in Afghanistan, the sides urged taking effective measures to counter the drug and terrorist challenges.