Ilya Averbukh said his idea of public performances first materialized in 2002 as productions were given in eight Russian cities and followed by two more such tours. Each time the audience was delighted to see some figures skating idols, such as world champions Maria Petrova, Alexei Tikhonov, Irina Slutskaya and Yevgeny Plyushchenko.
The tour this time will be highlighted by the performance of world champions Tatiana Totmyanina and Maxim Marinin who have made their appearance in the season after Tatiana's injury. Another hit is Berezhnaya and Sikharulidze who have not been seen by the Russian public since Salt Lake City.
"In contrast to similar galas in the West where only professionals are involved, we have staked on amateur figure skaters and we are thankful to all who have accepted our invitation despite their very busy competition schedules. We know that the Russian championship is to take place early in January," said Averbukh.
"We shall also exhibit our Olympic programs shown in Salt Lake City. Though we have had little ice contact over the past year and a half, we hope that our experience and skills will enable us to show all the programs to the full. Besides, we are now practicing two new numbers-it will be a surprise," Lobacheva said denying any details.