"The demand of the Europarliament to stage a re-run of the presidential election is nothing else but support to one of the sides, that is interference in Ukraine's internal affairs," says the foreign ministry's information department.
Amazed by this resolution, the Russian foreign ministry says: "The Europarliament's appeals to the Ukrainian authorities to repeat the run-off of the presidential elections hardly harmonizes with West European countries' official statements on the need to settle the situation in accordance with the Ukrainian constitution and legislation in force."
"Apart from the fact that Ukrainian law does not provide for re-run of run-offs, the sides are now in talks on a mutually-acceptable solution for the crisis and various proposals are being discussed," says the commentary.
The Russian foreign ministry believes that the Europarliamentarians should have acted as law enforcers rather than ignoried justice for the sake of attaining their overtly selfish goals.
"The Europarliament's decision is void of democracy or law. It is another case of dual standards," says the Russian foreign ministry. "What is required today more than ever is an impartial insight into what is happening in Ukraine, with regard for public opinion and national interests."
"One has to realize that the Ukrainian people should decide their problems by themselves, if democracy is really in action," says the commentary.