MOSCOW, December 8 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow has always boasted original and expressive architecture. The city has a style of its own. However, the time changes the image of the capital. Academician Sergei Tkachenko, deputy director of the Moscow General Plan research institute, told Literaturnaya Gazeta newspaper about the project to construct Moscow's skyscrapers.

Moscow stands on hills. It is believed that there are seven hills. However, there are many more hills, which look like vast territories with varied relief. One and two-storied buildings prevailed in ancient Moscow with the bell-tower of Ivan the Great being the tallest construction. After the fire of 1812 buildings became somewhat higher. Three-storied houses were most typical. In the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries seven, nine and ten-storied buildings appeared in Moscow.

In the 1920s skyscrapers became highly popular in the capitalist world, above all, the United States. The Stalin skyscrapers in Moscow and the new University building had political destination. They were original and contributed to the image of the city.

The rapid growth of Moscow's population boosted the new wave of construction of multi-storied buildings. The capital has many natural zones, which cannot be populated. It caused the necessity to erect multi-storied buildings, as it was in other countries in the early 20th century.

During the elaboration of the General Plan, 60 zones were set aside for the construction of multi-storied buildings, mainly near the Third and Forth Transport Rings (Moscow has a radial-ring structure).

We intend to build one skyscraper in each district to make them territorial landmarks, said academician Tkachenko. Formerly, this was the function of bell-towers.

The City district is an exception. Many skyscrapers will be built there. One of them is already completed. They should be as expressive as the Stalin skyscrapers used to be in that epoch in order tocreate the image of this or that Moscow's historic site.

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