A year ago there were only ten out of twelve teams in the series. This was the best moment to form a Russian team.
Midland Group is involved in metallurgy across CIS territory. Foreign car companies will open their branches in the CIS soon and they will be oriented by the company's name choosing the metal supplier. Therefore, the team formation is a two-way business promoting positions in Russia and abroad.
We did not try to act independently and establish partnership with the company Dallara having the experience and technologies of constructing racing cars in the Formula and American series. Dallara will finish designing the car by next summer.
The team's annual budget is worth $100-150 million. Engines without electronic equipment and transmissions will cost $10-25 million.
The official presentation of the team will take place in Moscow in February.
We are striving for bringing "fresh blood" to Formula-1 and shall stake on young people. Young, ambitious and talented Trevor Karding has become the team's sporting director. He used to work in Formula-3. Boris Yeltsin Jr. was appointed marketing director. His character and abilities are suited for this job. Moreover, 'Boris Yeltsin' is a brand and its potential should be used.
Today no Russian racer can participate in Formula-1. Therefore, a Mexican pilot will participate in the races.
We shall have a team in Formula-3 with a Russian pilot. If he makes progress and achieves the Formula-1 level, he will get a contract.