The verdict prohibits Russian juridical persons particular action authorized by the Russian legislation within the Russian Federation. This, and whatever other decision of a similar kind by a U.S.-based law court, has no legal force in Russia unless approved by a Russian court, ministerial PR comment a statement by Richard Boucher, U.S. Department of State spokesman.
This is, doubtless, a legal matter, and the ministry sees Yukos' point as the company recurs to whatever legal means to come up for its interests, including an appeal to a court based in the United States.
The ministry greets the American court's concern for the law complied with in public interest, whether in the U.S., Russia or anywhere else. It baffles the Foreign Ministry PR, however, to see just why the court made so bold as to evaluate Russian authorities' moves from the viewpoint of the Russian law and within the Russian legal system, as its own verdict says. Such activities are within the prerogative of Russian law courts alone, stresses the ministry.
Administration of the law is a crucial aspect of every democratic community, it points out.
Everyone is to duly pay all established taxes and fees, as Article 57 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation runs. Close compliance with that precept promotes Russia's reputation as a country with a beneficial investment climate, says the commentary.