The General Assembly adopted the Russian resolution "Human Rights and Terrorism" by a consensus. The resolution calls on states sheltering terrorists and their accomplices to revise their decisions.
According to the Russian Foreign Ministry, most UN members came out for the consolidation of the UN central coordinating role in the sphere of peace, security and development.
Moreover, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to proclaim May 8 and 9 the Days of Commemoration and Accord to mark the 60th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. "These dates will be marked annually and in May 2005 a special solemn session of the General Assembly will be held to commemorate all the WWII victims," the information and press department reported.
The General Assembly also focused on disarmament. Russia managed to promote its priority interests at the session. For instance, the Russian-U.S. draft resolution on bilateral reductions of strategic nuclear weapons was adopted at the session. The unanimous approval of the Russian draft resolution "The Achievements in the Information Technologies and Telecommunications Sphere in the International Security Context" promotes Russia's initiative role in this field.
"The statement that Russia will be the first not to place any kinds of weapons in the space was widely hailed," the Foreign Ministry said.
The results of the 59th session contribute to the UN efficiency, above all, as part of preparations for the 60th session of the UN General Assembly in the fall of 2005. Russia will promote the accomplishment of goals meeting joint interests of the UN member-states," the information and press conference department concluded.