"Peace to you!" presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko said in a campaign video on television urging electors to come to the polls and vote, irrespective of their political choice.
"Peace to you!" say numerous billboards with Yushchenko portraits in Kiev's thoroughfares.
The campaign's billboards in the streets of the Ukrainian capital make it difficult to guess that another presidential candidate, Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich, is also participating in the election campaign.
His campaign videos, which are not as massive as Yushchenko's campaigning on television, feature quite neutral slogans.
A child in the video draws with felt-tip pens while a man's lyrical over-voice says that apart from the orange color, nature also features white and blue colors - the colors of pure snow and the blue sky, thus suggesting the white and blue flags of the Yanukovich campaign.
As compared with the two previous rounds, he prefers to stay away from videos on television.
Despite the fact that the headquarters of the two presidential candidates are suspecting each other of the forthcoming fraud and provocations to disrupt the elections, this confrontation is within the "parliamentary language" as compared to the previous round.
At his last press conference Viktor Yushchenko refused to use such expressions as "the bandit regime," widely used by him earlier. He promised to "heat and feed the envoys of the eastern regions who would arrive in Kiev to support Yanukovich. Most frequently Yushchenko called the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, who had massively voted for his rival, as "our brothers."
In his turn, at his last press conference in Kiev, Viktor Yanukovich refrained from using such accustomed expressionsfor the orange revolution as the orange coup. He also promised to take Yushchenko supporters into the bright future after his victory at the elections.
"We must not denounce them, we must urge them to follow us into the bright future," the Premier said.
Both candidates expressed their confidence in their victory and the unity of the Ukrainian people irrespective of regional political preferences.