According to Mr. Kopai, the Uzbek CEC is not eager to allow western observers to participate in all actions taken by the central election committee and to gain direct access to election documents. Mr. Kopai also believes that programs of five participating political parties "do not cover the entire spectrum of political interests and therefore do not represent the electoral choice of all categories of Uzbek citizens."
In contrast, Vladimir Rushailo noted "close cooperation not only between the CIS mission and the Uzbek CEC, but also with all local election committees on all stages of preparations for the elections and during the elections."
It is worth mentioning that, contrary to CIS representatives, BDIHR officials are working according to their methodology, without direct participation in the monitoring process at polling stations.
Vladimir Rushailo mentioned that new Uzbek election legislation introduces a series of positive changes in the election process in the republic. For example, "local councils cannot put forward candidatures for deputies anymore; the quota (30%) for female candidatures from political parties has been established; the issue of financing election campaigns has been regulated."
Mr. Kopai agreed with the conclusions made by Vladimir Rushailo.
The sides also agreed on future exchange of opinions on the results of parliamentary elections in Uzbekistan. After the conclusion of the current election campaign, the heads of both missions plan to make relative statements, and to sum up the final results a month after the elections. After the meeting with the head of OSCE BDIHR, Mr. Rushailo flew to Kiev to head the mission that monitors the Ukrainian presidential elections.