MOSCOW, December 27 (RIA Novosti) - Federation Council Speaker Sergei Mironov has dubbed the government's claims about the impossibility of implementing the president's task of doubling the GDP as "sabotage".

"It is nothing than sabotage when the government bends no nerve to perform the task set by the president and moreover declares that it is beyond one's powers," Mr. Mironov said at a press conference in Moscow. "These are dangerous moods," he noted.

Following the government session on December 22, Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref told reporters that the innovative scheme for Russia's social and economic development lacks some 15% for performing the assignment of doubling the GDP over a decade. "We have inferred that the growth rates, even under the third innovative scenario, is short of some 15% for accomplishing the task set by the president," he reported.

Noting that some Russian ministries are insisting on the natural and logical nature of the reduced economic growth rate, Sergei Mironov said: "Perhaps, we have to replace the bearers of these ideas?"

In the opinion of the speaker, no practical steps have been made to start performing this task. Mr. Mironov believes that the cabinet of ministers ought to have worked out a plan of action already two years ago and divide it into three parts: industries, time and regions. "Over 70 countries handled this task and only the richest country of the world, in resources and intellectual property, has declared by the mouth of government members that there are no prospects for resolving the task," said Mr. Mironov.

The speaker was also critical of the governmental policy toward the national gold stock and the stabilization fund. He thinks the government treats these reserves as something sacred while there are plenty of problems that could be tackled by means of this money. Sergei Mironov cited the problem of developing the southern borders of the country.

He is convinced that this country has to reserve some $50-60 billion "for the black day".

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