For comparison's sake, Russian citizens spend on theaters, cinemas and museums 35.4 billion rubles, and 2.1 billion rubles on excursions.
Some eight percent of Russians play lotteries and slot machines. Males residing in the Urals and East Siberia are the most active in this field, according to researchers' data.
According to the data of marketing agency Konmark-DM, lotteries promoting some merchandise involve many more people than ordinary ticket lotteries do. However, the gain here is small, as a rule, a mug or a cap with the company's logo.
Psychologists say low-income groups of the population (pensioners, students, housewives and employees) play lotteries. The most "lottery" cities of Russia are Ufa, Kazan and Kransoyarsk.
Rich nationals prefer casinos; people with medium incomes prefer gambling machines. Thus, to this or that extent, representatives of all social strata of Russia have a passion for gambling.