"There was a time when enterprises did not pay most of the taxes. Now, a tax culture is taking shape. The third phase is coming: the state is beginning to assume a tough control of firms through taxes. But, I think, it is not always well done. The possibilities of fiscal organs to interpret the law in their own way should, I think, be limited", Mr.Gref said.
He also noted that there will be no revision of results of privatization in Russia. "We have 13 large oil companies. Ridding them of property will entail a revolution. This is impossible", the economic development minister said.
Simultaneously, he added that changes in tax legislation have made tax dodging "twice as difficult". "Those unwilling to obey will have to answer for that", he stressed.
As regards the outflow of capital from Russia and the reduction of investments, Mr.Gref said: "It is only in part linked to the YUKOS case, though negative effects (of the case) have taken place".
"The state should have taken it to the logical end. The selected scenario may not be ideal, which is beyond my competence. Though, of course the investment climate should not suffer".