"I cannot but voice my approach to one of the myths permanently maintained and multiplied in the West. It is that representatives of the secret services and the military industry (of Russia) are secretly supplying components of weapons of mass destruction and technologies banned for export to Iran", Mr.Ivanov told the Russia-NATO Council at a session.
"Somebody" is even attempting to cash in on such myths, he stressed.
"For instance, there are cases in Afghanistan when they offer on the black market containers with technical marks in Russian and ostensibly containing weapons-grade uranium", the Russian defense minister said. At the session of the Russia-NATO Council, Russia presented materials on the discovery of such containers, he said.
Alongside the myth of unfair cooperation between Russia and Iran, another myth is actively circulated in the West - poor protection of nuclear weapons and their components, Mr.Ivanov added.
"I stress one more time that Russia views the strengthening of the nonproliferation regimes as the crucial element of the confidence-building measures and is a participant in actually every basic international regime aimed at preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery means", he stressed.
To him, Russia keeps control of the export of dual-purpose goods and technologies through the national legislative acts.
"Russian control lists are even fuller than, for instance, of the Australian group or of the convention of the prohibition of chemical weapons", he added.
The efforts of the international community and the new authorities of Afghanistan against the production and contraband of narcotics are, so far, inefficient, Mr.Ivanov believes.
He said that much of the sums from drug traffic goes to fund extremist and terrorist organizations.
"The problem is acute and the success in the struggle against terrorism and formation of stable centralized power in Afghanistan greatly depends on its solution", Mr.Ivanov said.
Simultaneously, the defense minister said that Russia positively assesses the present situation in Afghanistan. "The first presidential election in its history has been held, a new Afghan government has been formed and set to work, peaceful life is being arranged", he added.