"We can take part together in laying a petroleum pipeline from Iraq to Jordan, in restoring energy objects and building new ones in Iraq, and in other projects," he offered.
Mr. Primakov sees Jordan as a promising field of Russian expert work. There are, in particular, irrigation and water supply projects, repairs on and cleaning of dams and canals, and petroleum, gas and water prospecting.
Russia is willing to join trans-Arabian gas mainline laying to reach Turkey via Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and engage in Jordanian-based power industrial projects and tourist complex construction, added Mr. Primakov.
Heidar Murad, President of Jordan's Chamber of Commerce, pointed out, in his turn, his country's interest in partnership with Russian-based companies together to penetrate the Iraqi market and implement joint projects to rehabilitate the Iraqi economy and satisfy public demands for industrial goods. "Jordan is viewed as the broadest and most convenient gates to Iraq, with which it has close and long-established partnership," he emphasized.
Mr. Murad pointed out, on the Jordanian business community's behalf, a necessity for Russia and Jordan to establish a free economic zone. He also highlighted the Hashimite Kingdom's eagerness to use Russian technologies for its rapidly developing industry. Industrial growth rate exceeded 7% last year, he said.
Mr. Murad called the Russian business community, in particular, to invest in Jordanian textile, pharmaceutical and tourist industries.