BISHKEK, February 17 (RIA Novosti's Yulia Orlova) - The United States has never brought up the matter of placement of Early Warning and Control System reconnaissance planes on a base in Kirghizia, American ambassador to Kirghizia Stephen Young told the press conference in Osh (Kirghizia) on Thursday.
The American diplomat said that the air base of the antiterrorist coalition in the Manas international airport in Bishkek is used only for antiterrorist ends.
Earlier, Kirghiz Foreign Minister Askar Aitmatov said that Kirghizia thinks inexpedient the placement of AWACS planes in the republic and the decision was taken upon consultations with allies in the Collective Security Treaty Organisation.
There is no competition between Russia and the United States in Kirghizia or entire Central Asia and our interests in the region are quite compatible, Mr.Young said.
The United States helps Kirghizia in the fight on terrorism and drug traffic for strengthening its security, he said.