According to him, V-Day ceremonies, functions and rallies are held en route the relay with participation of WWII veterans, local authorities, clergy, athletes, artists and musicians.
On Monday, February 28, a group of relay participants comprising SVPU senior officers and veterans are arriving in Kamchatka.
The Victory relay started on February 23 from the Ratmanov island, Russia's easternmost point, and is to run along the whole length of CIS borderline, finishing on May 9 in Moscow's Red Square to mark the 60th anniversary of WWII Victory. The SVPU border guards will hand over the relay's banner and capsule containing a handful of soil from every frontier outpost in Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Magadan Region en route to their counterparts from the Sakhalin Coast Guard division in Severokurilsk for subsequent passage along the CIS southern and south-western borders.
Border guards from Russia's northern and northwestern borders simultaneously started a relay in the opposite direction. Both banners and capsules with soil carrying the engraved names of each frontier outpost en route are to be brought to Moscow on May 9.
The decision on conducting the Victory relay was made last October at the Council of Heads of CIS Border Guard Services.