"The annual popular forums aim to give the many population strata a chance to get together and discuss current burning issues," informants at the Moscow Patriarchate Department of External Church Relations said to Novosti.
"Public debates alone can arrive at an answer to the latest challenges-a global terror threat among them. The 9th Popular Council will offer a chance for just such debates. Taking part in the event will be high civil servants, members of the clergy, theologians, military officers, diplomats, professional people and community leaders from Russia and many other countries," say forum organizers.
This year's council has been timed to shortly precede 60th anniversary celebrations of victory in World War II.
Prominent among council delegates will be Russia's top-notch officials-Servei Lavrov, Foreign Minister; Alexander Sokolov, Culture Minister; Igor Ivanov, federal security Council Secretary; vice-speakers of the two parliamentary houses; Georgi Poltavchenko, presidential envoy plenipotentiary to federal district Center; and many regional governors. Many foreign VIPs will appear as guests of honor.
Council speakers will include Mufti Talgat Tajuddin, Russia's Central Muslim Board chief, and Adolf Shayevich, Russia's Chief Rabbi for the Confederation of Russian Jewish Communities. Bishops of the Russian Church Outside Russia, or RCOR, will also take part.