"Today human rights are being violated. We witness a staff reshuffle. All this will not lead to anything good," he told reporters in Moscow on Wednesday at the 9th World Russian People's Assembly.
According to him, "the worst thing is that the Ukrainians are divided into "friends and foes."
The Ukrainian ex-presidential candidate underscored that "each citizen must have the right to his own place and must be free both in faith and in everything else."
The present bustle, Mr. Yanukovich said, "will not be to the good of the Ukrainian people."
Viktor Yanukovich , who heads the opposition Party of the Regions, assured the reporters that "the political forces will unite into a broad opposition coalition and counter this lawlessness."
He also said that his party would support the traditional Ukrainian Orthodox Church (the Moscow Patriarchate).
The opposition, he continued, will seek the teaching of the fundamentals of Orthodox culture in Ukrainian schools and the broadcasting of Orthodox programs on Ukrainian television.