If converted into the euro, the state foreign debt shrank from 95.7 billion euros to 81.1 billion.
Debt to the Paris club members amounted to $43.1 billion, or 31.7 billion euros, comparing to $47,7 billion, or 38.2 billion euros, year on year.
Debt to non-members of the Paris club reduced from $7 billion (5.6 billion euros) to $6.6 billion (4.9 billion euros).
The USSR's commercial backlog made up $2.9 billion (2.1 billion euros), as compared to the previous year's $3.8 billion (3.1 billion euros).
Debt owed to international financial organizations declined from $12.1 billion (9.6 billion) to $9.7 billion ( 7.1 billion euros).
Equal to $5.1 billion (4.1 billion euros) as of January 1, 2004, debt to the International Monetary Fund came to stand at $3.5 billion (2.6 billion) in 2005.
Reportedly, on January 31, 2005 the Minister of Finance entirely paid off the debt to the International Monetary Fund, in accordance with the government's regulation.
Debt owed to the World Bank made up $5.7 billion (4.2 billion euros), comparing to the previous year's $6.6 billion (5.3 billion).
Debt to the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development did not change, equaling $400 million (300 million euros).
Eurobond debt decreased from $35.7 billion (28.5 billion) to $35.4 billion (25.9 billion euros).
No changes were registered with the internal bond debt, which remained at $7.3 billion, or 5.3-5.8 billion euros.
Debt for Vneshekonombank's loans offered via the Bank of Russia dropped from $6.2 billion (5 billion euros) to $5.5 billion (4 billion euros).
This year the government plans to pay off $11.5 billion, which is $2.5 billion more than in 2004.