"The struggle against terrorism is the struggle for the unity of Russia", Mr. Lavrov said.
To him, the goal of international terrorism in Russia is to split society and sow strife between the peoples.
Mr. Lavrov stressed that "the unique experience of co-existence and cooperation between different confessions in our country" is an asset to be cherished and multiplied.
According to Mr. Lavrov, the main lesson of the Second World War was that, at the decisive moment, states having different political systems could have risen above what divided them and united their efforts in the struggle against the common enemy, Nazism.
"Today a new deadly challenge come from world terrorism", Mr. Lavrov said. He is sure than no world power can defeat terror single-handedly.
Mr. Lavrov also said that "a special place" in work of the Russian Foreign Ministry "belongs to cooperation with the heads of the traditional religions and confessions, above all the Russian Orthodox Church".
Such cooperation is one of the main and deep-rooted traditions of Russian diplomacy, he sad.