"The state block of shares in the united company will make up over 60 percent. Later, I don't rule out liberalization and the presence of not only private but also foreign shareholders in the company", he told journalists on Friday.
Mr. Khristenko added that the on-going reform of the Russian aviation industry does not mean nationalization of the company. "Private capital with all representatives of the aviation industry is present in its assets. We are in dialog, which can develop only in conditions of state-private partnership", Mr. Khristenko said.
The proposal to set up the national united aircraft building company sounded at a presidium of the State Council in late February.
Speaking up at the sitting, Mr. Khristenko said that the need is ripe for consolidation in the aviation industry, which is over in other countries. The goal of the company is Russia's remaining on the market of military aircraft and entering the civil aircraft market.
The united company will be three-tier, Mr. Khristenko said. The first level is the head company, which will select projects. Second, will be divided in the manufacture of military, civilian, transport and pilotless planes. The third level will include special factories.
In the opinion of the minister, the company will be among the leading five aircraft manufacturers in the world and, in prospect, bring up the total earnings first to six billion dollars and then to eight billion dollars at the equal share of civil and military machines.
As forecasted by Mr. Khristenko, by 2018 the volume of production is to increase to 14 billion dollars with the constant production capacities and the employed workforce in the sector, 500,000 people.