MOSCOW, March 16 (RIA Novosti's Maria Gusarova) - Over the last 125 years, the average temperature in Moscow has risen by 2.5 degrees Centigrade and is increasing. This was in focus at the sitting on Wednesday of the scientific-technical council of Mosgidromet (Moscow Weather Board) on climatic changes in the Moscow region.
In the opinion of acting chief of the meteorology and climate section at Mosgidromet Nikolai Tereshonok, the main reason for the "planetary spring" concerning Moscow is the overuse of fossil hydrocarbons, that is oil.
The earlier the warm period begins, the longer it continues, specialists say. In recent years the transition across the "zero line" began 23 days earlier and the continuity of the warm period increased by 33 days.
Results of such warming are not always positive, manifested in a warmer weather, but also negative. The longer warm period has increased the incidence of malaria and other "summer diseases". In order to change the situation search for alternative sources of energy is required, specialists insist.