Ahead of the visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Kiev Ukrainian leader Viktor Yushchenko told the Vremya Novostei daily what matters they would discuss during their meeting.

They intend to consider the terms of Ukraine's membership in the Common Economic Area (CEA). According to Yushchenko, Ukraine shares the logic of developing relations on a contractual basis and welcomes the singing of such agreements by other countries in the region. At the same time CEA agreements should meet Ukraine's interests. In particular, they cannot block the way to full EU membership for it. "I will not sign a single document contradicting these principles," President Yushchenko declared. However, Ukraine will support the establishment of a free trade zone in the CEA framework, he added.

At the meeting on March 19 Yushchenko hopes to discuss with Putin the terms of establishing an international gas transportation consortium. "The question of a return of Russia and Ukraine to the idea of a trilateral consortium was discussed during my visit to Germany," Viktor Yushchenko said. He is convinced that such a scheme meets the interests of the consumers, the suppliers and those who are paid for transit.

Ukraine would also like Russia to be its partner in the projects of reconstructing and building Ukraine's gas transportation system, for which the European countries have granted over 2 billion euros.

The two presidents will discuss the delimitation and demarcation of borders, including those in the Azov and Kerch straits. Besides, they will touch upon the terms of crossing the borders between the two states. "We expect the signing of a readmission agreement. The introduction of a milder visa regime with the EU depends on whether Ukraine can solve this problem," Yushchenko said.

Speaking about re-privatization, Yushchenko assured that it did not concern the facilities privatized by Russian companies. "But if glaring violations are revealed, I will make no exceptions," he added.

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