BISHKEK, March 20 (RIA Novosti, Yulia Orlova) - The OSCE Center in Bishkek urged the authorities and the opposition in Kyrgyzstan to start a dialogue in order to prevent escalation of violence in the country.

The statement released by the OSCE Center in Bishkek on Sunday expresses concern about the fact that "the latest events in Jalal-Abad and Osh might lead to escalation of violence, which would have a negative impact on the political situation and stability in the country."

Head of the Center Marcus Muller appealed to all sides "to avoid using forcible methods," and "to keep order, attempt to conduct a constructive dialogue and respect the fundamental principles of human rights and civil freedoms."

He pointed out that "the current protests have certain motives" and urged the authorities to offer an effective platform for discussion and dialogue to all population groups, including the opposition "in order to analyze the situation and find legal solutions for emerged antagonisms."

"Such an approach is the only way to find a tenable and acceptable solution to the existing crisis," the OSCE representative emphasized.

Early Sunday, OMON soldiers stormed the buildings of regional administration in Osh and Jalal-Abad regions, previously seized and occupied by supporters of candidates who had lost during the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan. The protesters demanded the annulment of the elections and the change of power in the republic. They elected "people's" power bodies and started to form volunteer militia units, including cavalry units.

According to official sources, the protesters defending the buildings during the assault used "Molotov cocktails" against OMON soldiers. About 15 people suffered light injuries and burns during the assault, the sources report.

The authorities repudiate any rumors of alleged deaths during the assault. According to Deputy Kyrgyz Interior Minister Abdylda Suranchiyev, no one was killed during the liberation of the regional administration buildings.

Bishkek insists that "the rumors of human losses are disseminated by the same political forces that urged people to come out onto the streets and commit anti-Constitutional acts."

On the way to the center of the city the marching protesters threw stones at the building of the regional interior ministry office, where the regional governor had established residence since the capture of the regional administration building by protesters.

According to the source, the protesters keep the head of Suzak district administration, Sharap Zhakypov and a National Security Service official as hostages.

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