This is evidenced by the statistics gathered by the National Public Opinion Study Center (VTsIOM). They come from a representation poll of 1,600 citizens of the Russian Federation in 100 populated places in 40 regions, territories and republics. The statistical error does not exceed 3.4 percent.
Fifty one percent of the Russians admit that the government-financed payments within the benefits-for-money swap law speed up the flywheel of inflation and negatively affect the standard of living. Only 30 percent of the polled disagree. Noteworthily, inflation stemming from benefit payments is feared by people in the low-income bracket (56 percent), while people with over 5,000-ruble (1 dollars approximately equals 27.5 rubles) incomes per family member fear inflation less (44 percent).
Forty nine per of the Russians say that higher wages and pensions, even if inflation rises, are more important for them. In contrast, 39 percent agree to freezing them if inflation can be beaten. Interestingly, higher wages and pensions are more favored in well-to-do groups of population (53 percent), among residents of Moscow and St.Petersburg (63 percent), while in other cities and the countryside the number of people favoring monetization or inflation is about the same.