This is what Rinat Murzin, the deputy head of the federal authority for the natural resources management, has told RIA Novosti.
"Unfortunately, 30% of agreements did not envisage any clear obligations of the subsoil users to the state in regard to geological prospecting and the timeframe for putting new deposits into operation," said Murzin.
In 2004, the commission for license agreements implementation considered over 110 licenses. It decided to cancel 44 of them and notified about possible license withdrawal in 56 cases.
"Our checks have already encouraged major subsoil users to alter license agreements voluntarily. For example, 17 licenses for solid natural resources were submitted in the Khabarovsk territory," said Murzin.
He believes that the provision on geological prospecting of the Energy Strategy Up To 2020 should also be reviewed.
"In 2004, oil extraction reached nearly 459 million tons, which is more than the energy strategy envisaged last year," said Murzin.
"We cannot ensure reproduction of the minerals and raw materials in full," he said. Murzin believes that the energy strategy should be overhauled, and the role of geological prospecting increased.