MOSCOW, March 25 (RIA Novosti) - Slightly more than a half Russians-54 per cent, to be precise-think they are free people. 39 per cent are of a contrasting opinion.

The figures come from a probe the Public Opinion foundation made, March 19 into 20, in a hundred settlements of 44 Russian Federation constituent entities-regions, territories and republics. 1,500 respondents were interviewed in their residence places. 600 Muscovites also answered supplementary questionnaires. Statistical error is within 3.6 per cent.

A similar probe of last June was the first to pose the freedom question. The percentage of people who felt free was somewhat smaller then-48, while the contrasting opinion's share was the same.

Awareness of personal freedom is what matters most, an overwhelming majority (91 per cent) said in the latest probe. Personal freedom did not matter to a mere 5 per cent. The entire community gains as ever more people think they are free, said 77 per cent, while 7 per cent said that awareness was to the social detriment. The answers to those questions showed no difference where the respondents' social and demographic background was concerned.

As for the rights and freedoms Russians deem essential, 49 per cent pointed out the right to receive health care and medical aid. 43 per cent highlighted personal safety, and 42 per cent the housing right. Other rights, on a list the questionnaire was offering, lagged far behind. Employment guarantees scored 25 per cent, the labor remuneration right 23 per cent, and the right to education 20 per cent.

Another question concerned the rights and freedoms essential for young people to fulfill themselves. Here, 51 per cent named the right to education, 39 per cent to housing, 34 per cent to employment guarantees, and 33 per cent to free choice of occupation.

One question concerned rights and freedoms absent in Russia. 25 per cent pinpointed the right to reimbursed damage done by officials, and 21 per cent the freedom to be elected to ruling bodies.

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