In his report, which lasted an hour and a half, Mironov dwelled on almost all aspects of the country's social and economic life. He explained that the party will work on all kinds of problems ranging from the legal sphere and combat against corruption to environmental protection.
The speaker of the Federation Council came up with a number of proposals, particularly to introduce "demographic pensions". According to him, pensions of this kind must be offered to the elderly, who have no less than five grandchildren without criminal records. Besides, he suggested that regional authorities pass "people's tests" annually.
Sergei Mironov denounced "democratic populism" and "mass media panic". He criticized biased coverage of the country's political events by mass media, particularly electronic one and proposed the establishment of public councils on main TV channels.
The official spoke out for the "state's return to the economy". "It is unreasonable to conduct all reforms simultaneously," he said. He believes that the Russian Party of Life must become "a constructive opposition to the government".
Speaking about the party's ideological platform, the official announced that the party follows "the ideology of social consolidation, which will make possible the development of solidary society in Russia". He stressed that the party "pursues the policy of humanism".