"After the May holidays we'll present a detailed plan of legislative work in the protection of intellectual property," he said.
The main problem in the field of intellectual property is the lack of understanding it as an economic category, he said. "We have not yet come to the understanding of intellectual property as an economic category," Likhachev said.
He also noted that there is no full mutual understanding, so far, between the involved sides - the government, State Duma and business community.
To him, the pressing goal to be met very soon is the struggle against counterfeit items. "Struggle against counterfeits is the requirement of today. The use of force alone cannot cope with the problem," the deputy said.
The second important goal is, in his opinion, the creation of a legislative basis for the protection of intellectual property.
"Foundations should be laid for legislation on the development of intellectual property and its use for the good of the economy," he said. "Development and turnover of intellectual property are the condition for attracting investments into the economy," Likhachev believes.