The ex-proprietor of the Yukos oil giant and the Menatep transnational finance group CEO ought to serve their sentence in a general-security prison, he noted.
Shokhin also called the court to deprive them of the right to hold government and local self-government offices for three years each.
A third defendant on the case, Andrei Krainov, deserves a suspended sentence of five and a half years of imprisonment, with five-year probation, as he confessed on certain indictment points and was cooperative, "thus to promote the ultimate triumph of justice", so there is hope of his correction even outside prison, the prosecutor went on.
Khodorkovsky and Lebedev, on the contrary, pleaded innocent. Lebedev demonstrated disrespect of the court on several occasions, and made impolite public pronouncements in certain participants' address during the proceedings. The prosecutor made a special stress on those aggravating circumstances.
Khodorkovsky's and Lebedev's crimes were premeditated, and committed by an organized group for a long time, so both deserve severe punishment as dangerous offenders, said the prosecutor.
He appealed to the court to convict Khodorkovsky and Lebedev on all points of the indictment, which involve seven Criminal Code clauses - swindling, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, property tort, plotting non-execution of a court verdict after it entered into legal force, tax evasion, and forgery.
The federal Prosecutor General's experts consider the guilt proved on all points.