MOSCOW, April 2 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Pensioners' Party has been major success in regional parliamentary elections. It has every opportunity to do even better - 41% of Russians say they may vote for the party for the regional legislature. 42% say the same with reference to elections for the State Duma, the Russian parliament's lower house.

The impressive percentages came from a poll conducted by the Public Opinion foundation on March 19-20, in 100 urban and rural settlements of 44 regions, territories and autonomies. The poll involved 1,500 respondents interviewed in their residence places, with supplementary questionnaires for 600 Muscovites. The statistical error was within 3.6%.

A majority sided with the Pensioners' Party due to a desire to support seniors as the social group whose plight is the worst now. 22% of respondents who said they would vote for the party gave the following explanation: "It is painful to see defenseless old men and women, who live from hand to mouth." Another 9% are alarmed with their old age approaching, or are concerned about their aged near and dear. "I am close to the pension age," or "My parents are on pension," they said.

The party owes its public support not so much to its merits as political organization as to the attractive power of its name and mottos. A mere 49% of respondents turned out to know anything about the party, while 47% have never even heard it mentioned. Despite all that, 59% think Russia ought to have a political party that would see promotion of seniors' interests as its sole target. A mere 22% said this country does not need the Pensioners' Party at all.

A majority of respondents, 22%, named Communists as the party ideologically closest to Pensioners'. 10% referred to the United Russia in that context, and 6% - to the Rodina (Motherland). There were a negligible number of references to the Agrarian, the Liberal Democratic and the Yabloko parties.

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