"Visiting Austria, France and Italy and meeting with their high officials, we confirmed the readiness to continue talks with the European Troika (Great Britain, Germany, France) towards settling the problem of the Iranian nuclear programs. But, this process cannot continue for an indefinite time", Khatami told journalists on Saturday upon arrival to Tehran.
The Iranian president has once again declared the peaceful purpose of the nuclear technologies of the Islamic Republic and stressed that the development of nuclear technologies is a legitimate and irrefutable right of Iran.
At the present time, the European Troika is considering the Iranian proposals for granting guarantees of the peace-oriented component of the nuclear programs of the Islamic Republic, the gist of which is not published and kept secret.
Next week, on April 15 it is planned to hold a regular sitting of the joint working committees (on security, politics, science and the economy). On its results, chiefs of the said ministries will gather for a regular round of talks in the end of April.
The European Union insists on ending all uranium-enrichment work. Tehran, declaring suspending such work as a token of goodwill, is not going to abandon it and views development of the full nuclear cycle as its legitimate right.