Among other reasons, 31% of the respondents mentioned bureaucratic abuse and corruption (34% in 2004), 29% (34%) - plundering policy of Russian tycoons who are not interested in Russia's economic revival, 29% (22%) - the lack of a definite economic program, 26% (27%) - capital exports from Russia and offshore transfers, 21% (20%) - theft of managers, 13% (10%) - high taxes, 12% (11%) - the lack of investments, 11% (11%) - the exhaustion of main funds, 10% (9%) - the inability of Russian goods to compete with western products and 7% (7%) - the absence of social protection of business.
Thus, a year ago Russians were inclined to blame bureaucrats, tycoons and managers for the lack of economic growth. Today they focus on strategic reasons, the wrong economic policy and the authorities' failure to draft a definite economic program.
These representative public polls of 1,600 Russians were conducted in March 2004 and March 2005 in 128 settlements of 46 Russian regions. The respondents were offered to name several causes. The statistic error does not exceed 3%.